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Our Firm

Family Law is a unique area which necessitates sensitivity, understanding and specific professional specialization to address the legal dynamics emerging from family disputes. When domestic issues cannot be resolved within the home, family law seeks to restore order and a fair solution to each party involved.


For many, family law is synonymous with a family break-up. However, the reality is that this specialised field of law covers a wide array of family matters which include but are not limited to adoptions, paternity, child custody cases and evidently separation and divorce.


Not every family dispute must necessarily end up in Court. By adopting a level-headed and professional approach an amicable settlement may be reached even in scenarios where an agreement seems most unlikely.


In offering our services, we ensure that our esteemed clients obtain individual and personalised assistance which is suited for their particular needs. Careful and meticulous attention is given to each particular case ensuring that clients achieve the best possible outcome in their particular circumstances. 

Dr. Elaine Gingell Littlejohn


Dr. Elaine Gingell Littlejohn graduated as a lawyer in November 2002 after reading law at the University of Malta. In 2003 she attained her warrant to practice as an advocate and concurrently joined a leading law firm as an associate in the Family Law Department.


In February 2006, Elaine obtained a diploma in Canonical Marriage Cases, Jurisprudence and Procedure enabling her to assist clients in proceedings for church annulment.


For five years Elaine was also the legal advisor of the Foundation for Social Welfare Services. She was also regularly engaged in the drafting of laws and regulations and delivered presentations to numerous professionals.


In October 2007 Dr. Elaine Gingell Littlejohn moved to Ireland to further develop her experience in Family Law, where she joined a leading law firm and advised clients on all family-related matters. Furthermore she also published articles for an Irish newspaper. Elaine’s experience in Ireland enabled her to obtain first-hand knowledge of Irish Divorce Law, being the legislation on which Divorce Law in Malta is based. 


Elaine also acquired experience in Scotland, where she was registered as a Registered European Lawyer with the Law Society of Scotland and carried out research in International Family Law and contributed articles with an established Scottish Legal Journal.


In 2014 Elaine set up her own practice in Malta. With fifteen years of experience in this specialised field of law, Elaine now provides professional legal assistance on various family matters, including but not limited to separation, divorce, pre-nuptual agreements, separation of estates, adoptions, paternity cases, child custody, domestic violence, maintenance cases and other ancillary proceedings. Representation of clients in Court is also an integral part of her work. 




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